How do I use the groups feature?
A Group is a set of devices and remote users linked together in one Video Window instance. This allows an organisation with a large number of Video Window users to be able to only connect devices with other users/devices as needed. For example, the ...
What hardware do I need?
To run Video Window in the office on a large screen you will need a PC or Mac, a screen (preferably a touchscreen), and a Camera / Speaker / Mic device. To run Video Window for Remote Employees you can either run the software on their existing PC ...
What’s the difference between an office and remote device?
An “Office Device” is designed to be placed in the office on a large touchscreen. The video feed is always on. The video feed is 4k. A “Remote Worker” license has the option for the video to be on or off, is designed for a tablet or smaller device ...
How can I get started with Video Window?
You can request a trial at by filling out the form. You can also email the Customer Success Team at or chat with us via out Live Chat.
What resolutions can I get with Video Window?
You can achieve up to 4k at 30fps. This is bandwidth dependent and the resolution can drop to 720p 30 fps on lower bandwidth connection
Pricing starts at US$60 per “Office License” per month and US$15 per “Remote Worker License” per user per month. Additional fees may apply depending on the premium features selected. We do have other pricing plans aimed more at the large ...